The 21 Days of Prayer is designed to help prioritize our relationship with God and focus our attention on what matters most. Whether you have a great prayer life or no prayer life at all, this challenge is a powerful way to start 2024!
We’re thrilled you’ve decided to set
aside the first part of your year for a
focused and intentional time of Bible
reading, worship and prayer. The 21 Days
of Prayer is just a tool to help you focus your
heart and mind on your relationship with God.
Throughout our 21 Day Challenge we invite you to join us in the following ways:
Set aside time each day for reading the Bible and praying. A daily prayer list has been provided for you to consider adding to your daily prayer list.
Join us each Sunday Morning at 10:00a as we collectively seek the Lord and His Word. If you’re unable to attend services in person, join us online. There’s nothing better than being with the Body of Christ in corporate worship and prayer!
One of the most powerful disciplines you can develop to become more like Christ is to simply read the Bible. If you then create space to meditate on what you’ve read and have a conversation with God about it for the next 21 days, you will be amazed at how much you will grow spiritually.
If reading the Bible has been a struggle or difficult for you in the past, try using the YouVersion Bible App. It has many different devotional plans for you to choose from. We have a few suggested plans that we recommend you to try during our 21 Day Challenge.
Add to your regular daily prayer, add each day's emphasis during the 21 Days of Prayer
Day One: Jan. 7 Avoid the Tragedy of Unbelief
Read Matthew 13:53-58
“And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.” Matthew 13:58 (HCSB)
This is one of the saddest verses in the Bible. It is the account of Jesus going to His hometown to teach. When people heard Him, they were astonished. However, their astonishment did not lead them to respond to His teaching in obedience and faith. Their lives could have been radically changed for the better. Their community could have been radically changed. However, no positive changes occurred in the people or the town of Nazareth. Why? The Scripture gives the reason, “Because of their unbelief.”
Unbelief shuts the door on the transformational power of Jesus. Faith opens the floodgates to that same transformational power. In contrast to this passage of Scripture are countless others where Jesus worked miracles in response to the faith present in the lives of people. (Read Matthew 9:2; 9:22; 15:28; Mark 10:52; Luke 8:48)
When Jesus looks at your life what does He find? An attitude of faith? or unbelief? Do you believe Jesus can do a work of renewal and revitalization in your life? Do you believe that to the extent you are praying for Jesus to bring renewal to your life?
Prayer: If your unbelief is a roadblock to Jesus working in your life, confess the sin of unbelief. Ask God to strengthen your faith in Him. (Mark 9:24)
Day Two: Jan. 8 Remember God’s Power
Read Jeremiah 32:17-44
“Ah, Lord God! You Yourself made the heavens and earth by Your great power and with Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You!” Jeremiah 32:17 (HCSB)
Sometimes we forget how powerful God is. We forget the great things that He has done in the past. We often allow the immensity of our own problems and challenges to overshadow the greatness of our God. Our view of God diminishes to an anemic, powerless God.
In order to build a case for the greatness and power of God, Jeremiah reminds us of what God has done in the past. He reminds us that God “made the heavens and the earth.” What a display of power! God spoke, and the world came into existence. No one but God could do that. Creation itself is a testimony to the fact that God can do anything.
Creation was just the beginning of God’s mighty display of power. Jeremiah reminds us that this same God led His people out of Egypt with signs and wonders (verse 21). As we read the Scripture, we are reminded that this same God sent Jesus to be born of a virgin, live a sinless life, die on a cross for our sins, and be raised to life on the third day. Only God could do that! The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is a reminder that God can do anything.
Have you forgotten God’s ability to do anything? Today recall the many great things that God has done as recorded in Scripture. Remember the great things He has done in your life personally. Remember the great things He has done in your church.
Prayer: Ask God to do a work of revitalization in your life that only He can get credit for.
Day Three: Jan. 9 Confess Pride/Embrace Humility
Read Luke 18:9-14
“I tell you, this one went down to his house justified rather than the other; because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:14 (HCSB)
Pride is a subtle sin. It is not always easy to detect in our own lives. Jesus understood this, so He gave us a picture of what pride and humility looks like with the two characters in this parable. The Pharisee was an example of how pride behaves. The tax collector was an example of how humility behaves.
Pride refuses to admit it has a need. Not one time in the parable did the Pharisee admit he had a need. Humility on the other hand readily admits it has a need. The tax collector struck his chest and admitted he needed forgiveness as a sinner.
Pride has an “eagle eye” for other people’s sins. The Pharisee said, “I thank you that I am not like those other people who are greedy, unrighteous adulterers.” Humility on the other hand sees its own sin. The tax collector declared, “God turn your wrath from me, a sinner.”
The main concern for pride is “what do other people think of me?” The Pharisee prayed about himself stating, “I fast twice a week, I give a tenth of everything I get.” Humility’s main concern is “what does God think about me?”
Prayer: Pray that God will reveal any areas of unhealthy pride in your life and show you His way to true humility.
Day Four: Jan. 10 Purify Your Heart
“The pure in heart are blessed, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8 (HCSB)
I love to watch the snow fall as it accumulates on the ground. However, once the snow has fallen it begins to lose that pure white color because of the dirtiness of our world. After that beautiful snow falls on the roads and vehicles begin to move about, the snow changes to a very ugly brown.
Jesus teaches that the pure in heart are blessed. To see God is an awesome promise.
When was the last time you saw God? You see, we can never see the wonder of God’s presence until we have a pure heart. Satan doesn’t mind if we have a little pureness as long as we have a lot of the world. As a result our spiritually pure heart looks more like day-old snow. I see in this part of God’s Word that pureness of heart has a great promise, which is that we will see God.
To see God in the midst of our evil world causes our heart to be purer.
As you read this verse today, is your heart pure? Are you focused on seeing the God of a pure heart? Has your pureness of God been mixing with some of this world’s color?
Your church needs people with a pure heart to see God working in your church. Pray for the members of your church that have shown you how to have a pure heart.
Prayer: God show me today areas in my heart that are not pure, giving me the strength to turn those parts over to you for clean up. Give me a passion to keep my heart pure before you.
Day Five: Jan. 11 Search Me, O God
Read Psalm 139:23-24
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns.” Psalm 139:23 (HCSB)
It’s one thing to pray for a larger house, a newer car, a different ministry assignment, or for a salary increase. It’s another thing to ask the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to search our hearts and test our thoughts. The Bible reveals that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. In fact, He knows us better than we know ourselves. Nothing catches our Father off guard.
Health experts tell us that annual physical exams are wise and necessary. Early detection is key to physical health and personal longevity. Spiritual health requires periodic exams, too. Therefore, we make a decision and set a date to get away from the obligations and responsibilities of ministry. We desire solitude with the One who can reveal the most intimate things about us. During the moments of solitude, we ask the Lord to search our hearts and attitudes. Is Jesus still your First Love? Are you guilty of simply going through the motions of being a Christian or ministry? Do you love the people God places in your life ? Are you flirting with temptation? Do you lead your family or in ministry with an attitude of humility or pride? Your solitude and transparency with God may lead to personal revitalization. Be honest, How long has it been since your last spiritual examination?
Prayer: Consider making a decision, setting a date, securing a place, and practicing a time of solitude with God. With an open Bible and blank pieces of paper, ask God to search your heart and attitude and see what He tell you.
Day Six: Jan. 12 He Must Become Greater
Read John 3:30
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 (HCSB)
The enemy loves to see Christians, pastors and Christian leaders disobey God, divide family and churches. One tool the enemy uses is pride. As Proverbs 16:18 reads, “Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.” John’s heart was in the right place. He desired to see people focus on the Son of God and the Savior of the world. John wanted the watching world to remember Jesus’ name, not his name.
Trouble comes when Christians, pastors and Christian leaders fail to follow John’s example. God longs for His Son to increase and for His servants (you and me) to decrease.
As you reflect on your life and ministry, are you following John’s inspirational example? Is the spotlight shining on you or on the One who converted and called you?
Prayer: If Jesus is increasing, praise the Father. If you’re increasing, repent and experience a new beginning.
Day Seven: Jan. 13 Take a Soil Test
Read Matthew 13:1-9
“Still others fell on good ground and produced a crop: some 100, some 60, and some 30 times what was sown.” Matthew 13:8 (HCSB)
Jesus addressed a large crowd of people, telling a parable (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) to talk about a person’s heart. As the farmer scattered seed, it fell along the path, on rocky ground, among thorns, and on good soil. Jesus desires for His followers to have hearts (soil) that yield a harvest.
What is the present condition of your heart currently? In Jesus’ parable, He talks about four kinds of soil (hearts):
(1) A calloused heart. This person lacks spiritual and ministerial expectations, goes through the motions, and relates to God with a selfish agenda.
(2) A shallow heart. This person is often immature in the faith.
(3) A distracted heart. This person battles the worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth and entertainment.
(4) A productive heart. This person lives his or her life to fulfill God’s mission. In order to plant a garden, the ground (soil), must first be broken. If you desire to yield a spiritual harvest, brokenness is often what God uses.
Are you willing to be broken for God’s glory? What is currently breaking your heart and spirit? What kind of soil are you today?
Day Eight: Jan. 14 Ask, Seek, and Knock
Read Matthew 7:7-12
“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 (HCSB)
The Bible is clear that God answers the fervent prayers of His people according to His will, and we know it is His will for us, His church to be revitalized and healthy. Perhaps revival waits because we give up on prayer too soon.
A small girl watched as her mother smeared cold cream on her face. She asked, “Mommy, why are you doing that?” “To make myself beautiful,” the mother replied. In a few moments, as the mother started wiping off the cream, the child asked, “Are you giving up already?”
We should never give up in prayer as we ask God to revitalize our lives and our church. In fact, we should pray regularly and intensely until the answer comes. The verbs “ask, seek, and knock” are expressed in a form that denotes continuous action. Jesus is literally saying, “Ask, and keep on asking. Seek, and keep on seeking. Knock, and keep on knocking.”
Do you regularly pray with intensity for the revitalization (new life) of your personal live and your church? If you personally need to be revitalized, whatever you do, do not quit praying until the answer comes. Ask, seek, and knock!
Prayer: Begin your journey of ongoing, fervent prayer for your personal live and your church revitalization today! God will answer in His time.
Day Nine: Jan. 15 Value His Name
“Samuel replied, “Don’t be afraid. Even though you have committed all this evil, don’t turn away from following the LORD. Instead, worship the LORD with all your heart. Don’t turn away to follow worthless things that can’t profit or deliver you; they are worthless. The LORD will not abandon His people, because of His great name and because He has determined to make you His own people.” 1 Samuel 12:20-22 (HCSB)
The year 2020 changed the value of many things: houses, work, retirement accounts, salaries, etc. There will be long lasting effects on the companies and individuals impacted. Value is something that changes. What would it be like if something of great value never changed? The value of something that is priceless remains priceless throughout all eternity. Yes, each of us knows that we have a priceless Savior!
These verses in 1 Samuel remind us that even during times when we have sinned against the Lord, we must not turn from HIM. The name of the Lord has great VALUE for us. One of the ways we see the value of the Lord is He will not forsake His people. Not that we have that much value; but because His name and reputation is that valuable.
Do you see the value of the name of the LORD? Does your life reflect how much value you see in the Lord?
Prayer: Pray today that the value of God’s name would be seen in your life so that a world may see HIM. Pray that you and your church would reflect the value of the name of the LORD.
Day Ten: Jan. 16 Bear the Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Read Galatians 5:22-26
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
As followers of Jesus we are to daily yield to the control of the Holy Spirit. Verse 25 encourages us to “live by the Spirit” and “follow the Spirit.” The tangible evidence that the Holy Spirit is in control of our life is spiritual fruit.
Just as an apple is the outward evidence of the inner reality of an apple tree, so the fruit of the Holy Spirit is the outward evidence that the Holy Spirit is in control of our lives.
When the Holy Spirit is in control, our lives will be characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, gentleness and self control. God’s plan is to produce all of these qualities in us as we yield to Him. When the Holy Spirit is not in control of our lives we are unloving, joyless, restless, impatient, unkind, and out of control.
If the person who knows you best, used the qualities in verses 22 and 23 as a checklist, what words would they choose to describe you? Would they describe you as a loving person? A person characterized by joy? Would they refer to you as a patient person? A kind person?
Prayer: Yield today to the work of the Holy Spirit in you. Ask God to produce in you the fruit of His Holy Spirit.
Day Eleven: Jan. 17 Forfeit My Agenda
Read Luke 22:39-46
“Father, if You are willing, take this cup away from Me — nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42 (HCSB)
Jesus was fully God and fully man. In this passage we see the humanity of Jesus as He struggles with the will of the Father in light of His imminent suffering and death. Jesus realized that in a few short hours He would carry the weight of the world’s sin in his body. The Scripture states that, “He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
As Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with such intensity that His “sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” (verse 44) On the one hand He wanted the Father to remove the cup of suffering. On the other hand He realized that same suffering and death were necessary for the salvation of precious souls and the fulfillment ofthe Father’s plan for Him. Therefore, He ultimately prayed, “Not my will but Yours be done.” Above all Jesus wanted the will of the Father to be carried out in His life.
Prayer: Pray today that you would be willing to lay down your own plans, preferences and your own agenda for your personal life in order that the plan of God might be carried out. Pray as Jesus did, “Not my will but Yours be done.”
Day Twelve: Jan. 18 Be Controlled by the Spirit
“For those who live according to the flesh think about the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit,about the things of the Spirit.” Romans 8:5 (HCSB)
The text in Romans 8:5 reminds us that by nature we are controlled by sinful desires, so it's easy to live life as a sinner, right? The text also tells us that those controlled by the Spirit respond in a spiritual way. In a normal day as things happen around us, how we respond shows which we are controlled by; our sinful nature or our spiritual nature.
We must choose what controls us, whether sinful nature or spiritual nature. In our lives today, we often speak before thinking and then we make the wrong selection of control. How would your life be different if every day you chose to be controlled by your spiritual nature? What about your church? Over these next weeks, ask God to speak to you and guide you to revitalization of your spiritual life and your church.
Prayer: Pray God will show you areas of your life you need to allow Him to control. Also, pray for Pastor Robin and Penny and the leaders in your church to be guided by Him.
Day Thirteen: Jan. 19 Forgive One Another
Read Ephesians 4:25-32
“And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32 (HCSB)
One thing we all have in common is that we have all been hurt by other people. Others have said or done things that have hurt us. Sometimes we have been hurt by what someone failed to say or do. The issue in life is not “will we be hurt” but “how will we respond when we are hurt by others?”
The Scripture passage for today sites several possible responses that often accompany the hurts we encounter: anger (verse 26), bitterness, wrath, malice (verse 31). When we identify these things in our lives we are challenged to “remove” or “put away” these things. In place of these responses we are called to choose the response of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is the way God has chosen to relate to us. Forgiveness is the way God encourages us to relate to each other. Forgiveness means we treat the person in the future as if they had not hurt us in the past. Forgiveness involves refusing to relate to the person out of anger and bitterness. Forgiveness means we choose to extend grace to the person who hurt us.
Have you harbored anger, bitterness, wrath or malice toward someone in your life or in your church? Take time today to confess your sinful response to that person. Choose with the help and grace of God to forgive that person.
Prayer: Ask God to identify the presence of unforgiveness in your life. Confess the sin of unforgiveness. Ask God to produce in your life a humility that honors Him.
Day Fourteen: Jan. 20 Raise Up New Leaders and People to Serve
Read II Timothy 2:1-2
“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” II Timothy 2:2 (HCSB)
One of the common needs voiced by pastors and church members is the need for more leaders. These concerned people of God are saying we need people to lead in the children’s programs, to work with youth, to do outreach, to give financially for the work of the church and on and on. But where will these leaders come from unless they move into your area from another community or transfer to your church from another congregation?
Paul gives Timothy the answer concerning the need for more leaders: you raise them up. Christian leaders are made not born, and II Timothy 2:2 tells how to make one. Mature Christian leaders are to teach and train faithful people who can become leaders and then teach and train others.
Are you willing to personally be trained by another person in your church to become a leader or would you be willing to be trained yourself to eventually lead in some way in your church? Pastor Robin and BCF is always looking for more people to serve. From the worship team, to computer, serving our guests as ushers and greeter, children teachers and the list goes on.
Prayer: Please pray today that God will give you and others at BCF the vision to plug in and get involved in ministry to serve others.
Day Fifteen: Jan. 21 Teach Me to Love
Read I Thessalonians 4:9-12
“About brotherly love: You don’t need me to write you because you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.” I Thessalonians 4:9 (HCSB)
Most problems in one's life or any church can be overcome by love. Love causes dissensions to be settled. Love prompts a person/church to serve the poor. Love moves us to do missions and evangelism. Love even makes us want to give more financially, work with children, paint the nursery walls, or build a new building. Love is the greatest motivator to church action of all types. But what if we just don’t have that much love? What if you specifically don't have that much love?
1 Thessalonians 4:9 gives hope to those of us who come up a little short in the love department. It reveals that God can teach us to love. Love is not so much an emotion to be experienced but an action to be taken. The greatest act of love in history was Christ on the cross. The good news for us is that the one who called Jesus to the cross can teach us to love people in our own congregation. Love really does change everything and is a real key to personal/church revitalization.
Would you ask God today to increase your love for a person, or group of people, in your church for which you do not feel much love?
Prayer: Consider praying a prayer like this: Dear God, I do not feel much love for _____________ (you know which name to put in the blank). I'm asking and counting on You teaching me to love _________________ the way You love him or her. Thank you for hearing my prayer, in Jesus name, Amen
Day Sixteen: Jan. 22 Be a Peacemaker
“The peacemakers are blessed, for they will be called sons of God.” Matthew 5: 9 (HCSB)
We see so much unrest in our world even to the point of conflict. When conflict erupts, hate wins! Sides are drawn and people are placed into two or more groups. When conflict permeates a people, we see trust broken and lives affected for years.
In marriages, family and even in churches today we see the same thing; people choose sides and conflict impacts the lives. When conflict happens inside our homes and churches, the only winner is Satan.
Jesus teaches us that peacemakers are needed. The people with the gift of being a peacemaker find ways to squish conflict to help bring peace. Conflict holds bondage where peace gives freedom. For marriage/family/church to find revitalization there must be peace in the body. We must find ways to broker peace in the body.
Prayer: Is there conflict in your marriage, family, kids, at your job or maybe it is someone in your church? Ask God to help you identify ways for you to become a peacemaker.
Day Seventeen: Jan. 23 Be a Servant
Read Mark 10:42-45
“And whoever wants to be first among you must be a slave to all." Mark 10:44 (HCSB)
In churches today, there are many who would be labeled people of influence. These indidivuals make a lot of the decisions of direction because they love serving others. There are also those folks that talk a lot without any real direction. The church is made up of many different types of individuals with varying characteristics but few love to serve others.
Jesus tells us that many want to control others, but He has called us to be “ministers” (KJV) or “servants.” For church revitalization to become part of your church, servants are needed, you are needed. Servants that will give their time to impact people with their hands. The value of servanthood is critical as we seek the next steps God would have us to walk. Never confuse leading with serving the needs of others. Serving coffee or greeting someone at the door with a smile, smile makes a huge impact on the lives of others and opens the door to presenting the gospel of Jesus.
Prayer: What ways do you serve others in your church? Pray asking God to show you ways you can serve the Body of
Christ through your church. Also, pray that your church understand the BEST way to serve our community and around the world.
Day Eighteen: Jan. 24 Begin with Brokenness
Read Nehemiah 1:1-11
“When I heard these words, I sat down and wept. I mourned for a number of days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:4 (HCSB)
Brokenness is often what God uses to reveal vision. Nehemiah serves as an example of a leader who was broken over a city and its people. Enemies destroyed the wall around Jerusalem, leaving the city in a vulnerable position. The people were in great trouble and disgrace. Nehemiah sought God’s heart and followed His leadership. He was available for God to use.
Personal revitalization requires bold, courageous intentionality. Nehemiah painted a clear picture of what revitalization leadership looks like in our day. (1) Nehemiah asked questions. He wanted to know about the city and its people. What questions do you need to ask? Is your home/marriage/church in need of revitalization? (2) Nehemiah accepted reality. He heard the news that the wall was broken down, and the people were in trouble. What do you need to accept as a reality? (3) Nehemiah acted now. He cried, prayed, fasted, and surrendered. What do you need to do now that will lead to revitalization in your life/church? Do you need to cry, pray, fast, and surrender? Are you broken over the “current reality” in your life?
Prayer: I challenge you to ask questions, accept reality, and act now. God desires to use you for change in your marriage/family/church!
Day Nineteen: Jan. 25 Be Salt
Read Matthew 5:13-14
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.” Matthew 5:13 (HCSB)
As followers of Jesus we have the potential to influence. We have the potential to influence others for good. Our lives when lived for Christ, can encourage others to glorify God (Matthew 5:16). We have the potential to influence others in a negative way (Luke 17:1-3). To influence others for Christ is to be “salt.” To influence others in negative ways is to be “salt that has lost its taste.”
When we face the warm summers and cold winters, we understand the importance of a thermostat. When a room is hot we adjust the thermostat and it works in connection with the air conditioner to adjust the temperature in the room. We could say that the thermostat influences the room.
We can place a thermometer in that same room and the thermometer would be influenced by the temperature of the room. If the room was warm, the thermometer would adjust to the surrounding temperature. As the salt of the earth we are called to influence for Christ not be influenced by our surroundings.
Prayer: Is your daily life and witness more like a thermometer or a thermostat? Pray that God will give you strength and wisdom to be a good influence for Him.
Day Twenty: Jan. 26 Rely on God’s Power
Read 1 Corinthians 4:16-20
“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.” 1 Corinthians 4:20 (HCSB)
What is powering your life/family/church? The Word of God tells us that the Kingdom of God is not powered by words. We can use words and try to get people motivated, but the reality is that words without action are of no lasting value. Someone once said, “Words are cheap.”
One of the great characteristics of God is that He has great power. For you and your church to be revitalized we must plug into the power that comes from GOD!
How much God power are you currently using in your personal life? Throughout His Word we find God using supernatural power to sustain His people, and He still does!
How much God power is your life currently using? God wants to be the power source of your life! God wants His children to plug into the power of His Word. Are you spending time in His Word daily? God wants His children to spend time in prayer. Are you spending time daily talking with Him and listening to Him?
Prayer: As for you, make a commitment to be in His Word and pray daily and see how you and others respond. You will see great power from God envelop your life and your church.
Day Twenty One: Jan. 27 Strengthen Your Faith in the God Who Revives
Read Ezekiel 37:1-14
“This is what the Lord God says to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live.” Ezekiel 37:5 (HCSB)
Parched and bleached by the sun, the brittle bones scattered across the valley presented a vision that summoned two words to the prophet’s mind—death and discouragement. The only thing more discouraging than the vision itself was the fact that God’s own people were represented by these abandoned bones. They had died, and their revitalization required significant intervention by God.
This vision challenged Ezekiel’s faith. God asked him an unthinkable question, “Son of man, can these bones live?” He replied, “Lord God, only You know.” Ezekiel’s response revealed his thought, “If these dried bones live again, it will require a miracle from You, God.”
In the vision, God did what only He could do. As Ezekiel preached, the bones came together, were wrapped by muscle and skin, and those corpses were resuscitated. The dry bones lived! Likewise, Israel was revived and restored.
There is a lesson we need to learn. God delights Himself in revitalizing that which seems to be dry and lifeless. Do you believe by faith that what God did in Ezekiel’s vision and for Israel, He can do for you, your marriage, your family and your church?
Prayer: Ask God to increase your faith as you continue to pray for revitalization in your marriage, family and your church.